Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Good Life

“Fire is the most tolerable third party.” Henry David Thoreau    
Yesterday we lived the good life.  We were gifted a beautiful day. The little guy and I worked in the yard for hours.  "We" stacked the wood into the shed, and broke down our brush pile to bring to the woodlot.  We watered the garden, made green smoothies with our veggies and cleaned our our canning jar supply.  This is the most satisfying type of day for me.  Hard work, accomplishments, nature, family, and at the end having a body that feels alive with sore muscles.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Denali Continued

“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” 
-John Muir
There is a 30% chance that a person would see Denali (Mt. Mckinley) as it is often surrounded by its own weather.  On the way we crested a hill and there it was, so amazingly big and white.  I had thoughts that I wished the forest were not there as the mountain went in and out of our view.  We stopped at a rest stop that had a panoramic view of the mountain range, but by the time we got there Denali has hid itself in the clouds.

The little guy and his mamma took a hike on the Taiga Trail that led down to Horeshoe Lake.

And when we got there we had snacks.

These bags of gravel were flown in by helicopter so they could be tampered down to improve the trail.  Just imagine all that goes in to keeping such a huge park.  Thank you trail crew, and thank you little man for wanting to help.

Monday, July 16, 2012


The little guy and I are back from Denali.  We had a blast and got to see Mt. Mckinley peeking out of the clouds on our drive there.  Amazing.  More photos to come.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am heading out for a mommy and me camping trip to Denali.  Not what I was expecting as my hubby was supposed to come, but work interfered.  The norm for me would be to not go,  but go we do.  I am proud to be taking on such a big adventure and first camping trip with the little guy.
We gave the tent a trial run tonight so he could "help" learn how to put it up.  Firsts are growth periods for our little man and I treasure all he learns on each outing.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Local Flavor

This past weekend was our annual Forest Fair.  A weekend full of crafts, food, music all tucked away in the forest.  It is our one big event in the summer and folks come from all over Alaska. (only phone for photos this time so they are hazy)
The little guy's favorite part was Beth and her spinning wheel.  Nighttime has been filled with "Mommy tell me the story about Beth and her spinning wheel."
The music through a child's eyes is way more interesting than through an adults eyes.  
The bears.. well they did not enjoy themselves as much.  Imagine too many people in your habitat.  This might have been a bear treed by his mama for safety.  

Friday, July 6, 2012

This Moment

This moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. An idea from Soulmama.