I have wanted to make green smoothies for my family for awhile now, but our hand held chopper left our smoothies with larger chunks. My hubby was always gracious and swallowed (chewed) them down. He also will eat my "backpacker" bread. Which is any bread that fails and becomes a hockey puck. What a good guy. I on the other hand just can not embrace a chunky smoothie. Who can embrace that oxymoron?
So we welcome into our home a nused blender. Nused being new to us, lovingly used by another. My friend up the road just bought herself a Vitamix (green with envy) and so she brought us her Oster blender. Funny, first real blender at our ripe old age, but we are indeed thanful.
My friend also lent me the book The Green Smoothie Diet by Robyn Openshaw. I need to carve out some time to read it, but the first chapter has gotten my attention. Robyn is known as the Green Smooties Girl and you can read her blog here.
The blender works way better than our hand held blender and breaks the ingredients down to a smaller chunk, but I have not reached smooth yet. I have to strain the smaller chunks out of the little guy's smoothie or he rejects it. So what he has is a healthy homemade veggie/fruit juice. Todays smoothie included
Bok Choy
Red Cale
Apple Juice
Two thumbs from all three of us.
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